Send Embed
Sends embedded content to a specified channel
Field | Description |
Channel | Put the name or id of a channel to send the message to here. You can use the "Insert Variable" button to insert a variable that will evaluate to a channel name or id. |
Color | The color of the embed. |
Title | The title text. |
URL | The link for the embed. |
Author Name | The author name will be shown at the top of the embed. Must include an author name in order for the author image to be shown. |
Author Image | The URL for the author image. This image will be shown in the top left corner of the embed. |
Author Link | Clickable link for the author image. This is a URL. |
Description | The main body text for the embed. |
Thumbnail | URL for the thumbnail image. |
Image | URL for the main embed image. |
Timestamp | Check if you want the time of sending to be shown at the bottom of the embed. |
Fields | Add fields to group values at the bottom of the embed. |
Fields Example
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